标题:Compressor 出处:Felix021 时间:Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:47:33 +0000 作者:felix021 地址:https://www.felix021.com/blog/read.php?434 内容: I don't want to provide download link here. If you need it, contact me in private. You are not permitted to distribute it without my confirmation! Class compressor (Version 2.1) Written By Felix021 2007-11-24 Compress and uncompress files and folders, so you don't need to upload/download a lot of bits and pieces using FTP. http://www.19880711.com All rights reserverd. No safety guarantee. Use it at your own risk. How to use it? Examples: 1. Test whether your server have good support to compression [codes=php][/codes] Notice: It doesn't matter if your server don't support compression. You still can merge files into a single one, and split them as well. 2. Compress a folder: [codes=php] Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.0