标题:【Windows】Xcacls.vbs :cacls增强版   出处:Felix021 时间:Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:26:35 +0000 作者:felix021 地址:https://www.felix021.com/blog/read.php?364 内容: 【Windows】Xcacls.vbs :cacls增强版 要设置和使用 Xcacls.vbs,请按照下列步骤操作:1. 从以下 Microsoft 网站获得 Xcacls.vbs 的最新版本: 点击这里下载文件 ( http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/7/8/f786aaf3-a37b-45ab-b0a2-8c8c18bbf483/xcacls_installer.exe ) 2. 双击“Xcacls_Installer.exe”。当提示您提供放置提取文件的位置时,请指定一个位于计算机的搜索路径设置中的文件夹(如 C:\Windows)。 3. 将默认脚本引擎从 Wscript 更改为 Cscript。(Xcacls.vbs 脚本最适合在 Cscript 下运行。)为此,请在命令提示符下键入以下内容,然后按 Enter: cscript.exe /h:cscript 注意:将默认脚本引擎更改为 Cscript 只影响脚本向屏幕写入的方式。Wscript 根据“确定”对话框分别写入每一行。Cscript 将每一行写入命令窗口。如果您不想更改默认脚本引擎,则必须使用以下命令运行脚本 cscript.exe xcacls.vbs 但是,如果将默认脚本更改为 Cscript,则可以使用以下命令运行该脚本: xcacls.vbs . 4. 要查看 Xcacls.vbs 的命令语法,请在命令提示符处键入下面的命令: xcacls.vbs /? Perm: Is for "Files Only" and can be: Permissions... F Full control M Modify X read and eXecute R Read W Write Advanced... D Take Ownership C Change Permissions B Read Permissions A Delete 9 Write Attributes 8 Read Attributes 7 Delete Subfolders and Files 6 Traverse Folder / Execute File 5 Write Extended Attributes 4 Read Extended Attributes 3 Create Folders / Append Data 2 Create Files / Write Data 1 List Folder / Read Data Spec is for "Folder and Subfolders only" and has the same choices as Perm. /R user Revoke specified user's access rights. (Will remove any Allowed or Denied ACL's for user.) /P user:GUI Replace security permissions similar to standard choices. /P user:perm;spec Replace specified user's access rights. For access right specification see /G option. (/P behaves like /G if there are no rights set for user.) /D user:GUI Deny security permissions similar to standard choices. /D user:perm;spec Deny specified user access rights. For access right specification see /G option. (/D adds to existing rights for user.) /O user Change the Ownership to this user or group. /I switch Inheritance flag. If omitted, the default is to not touch Inherited ACL's. Switch can be: ENABLE - This will turn on the Inheritance flag if it is not on already. COPY - This will turn off the Inheritance flag and copy the Inherited ACL's into Effective ACL's. REMOVE - This will turn off the Inheritance flag and will not copy the Inherited ACL's. This is the opposite of ENABLE. If switch is not present, /I will be ignored and Inherited ACL's will remain untouched. /L filename Filename for Logging. This can include a path name if the file is not under the current directory. File will be appended to, or created if it does not exit. Must be Text file if it exists or error will occur. If filename is omitted, the default name of XCACLS will be used. /Q Turn on Quiet mode. By default, it is off. If it is turned on, there will be no display to the screen. /DEBUG Turn on Debug mode. By default, it is off. If it is turned on, there will be more information displayed and/or logged. Information will show Sub/Function Enter and Exit as well as other important information. /SERVER servername Enter a remote server to run script against. /USER username Enter Username to impersonate for Remote Connections (requires PASS switch). Will be ignored if it is for a Local Connection. /PASS password Enter Password to go with USER switch (requires USER switch). Wildcard characters can be used to specify more than one file in a command, such as: * Any string of zero or more characters ? Any single character You can specify more than one user in a command. You can combine access rights. Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.0